Archive for July, 2010

Object of Envy!

My orders over the past few weeks have mostly been custom; what surprises and fascinates me is the patterns I see emerging in buyers.  I see many people who choose bags that are sold and ask for them in a variation of colours.

…I have one bag in particular which is definitely the most sought after! 

‘Kashmiri Princess’ my beautiful design I planned around it’s venue, ‘Created in Birmingham’ and it was definitely a good choice – snapped up in a day and re-designed a countless amount of time.  Is it the fact that the bag is already sold?  Is it the visual aid which inspires people to want this bag in colours of their choice?

I have seen this happen over the past few weeks many times, people want what is already sold…the idea behind Tink Couture is to make OOAK bags and accessories, and although I don’t make anything twice am I compromising this ethos by re-creating or am I just meeting customers needs?

once, twice? NO…blog thrice!

This blog has been neglected for a while, Tink Couture has been swamped with custom orders from all my lovely new friends of Facebook.  So over the next few weeks I’ll be making up for it by blogging more than once a day 🙂

Happy reading!